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SAT Class

(한국어 설명은 영어 설명 밑에 있습니다.)

This class teaches students the problem-solving mindset students need for the exam; it does not ask students to aimlessly solve numerous mock tests or simply give them a list of shortcuts. By learning the ability to understand the main ideas of the passages, the point of each question, and the types of incorrect answers, students will be able to predict the questions while they read the text and see through the questions as experts can.

Students will focus on learning the following:
- Reading comprehension tips for all five passage types
- Identify common question types
- Approach problem solving using formulas like a math solution
- 21 essential grammar concepts
- How to avoid tricky answers
- How to write logically
- Vocabulary

Each student gets individual feedback. During class and mock tests, students share their computer screens while reading and solving questions. Their work will be monitored, and they will receive one-on-one feedback on their mistakes and habits. After taking mock tests each week, students write their own correction notes based on the director’s feedback in order to be aware of their weaknesses. This way, students know exactly which areas to focus on in order to raise their scores.

Examples of one-on-one feedback that students receive:
–Write adjectives for characterization, setting, mood
–You were stuck on #8, 10, 34. You should contextualize. Don’t infer. Review reading tip #1
–Slow reading speed. Speed up by 2 mins. by 6 min mark, you were still on the first page second column
–You had difficulty with literal comprehension on passage 1
–Focus on words that express the author’s claims
–Box keywords in the topic sentences
–Sentence diagram difficult sentences in the 3rd paragraph of passage 4
–Write less summary, more function analysis. Review reading tip #3

Course Description in Korean

다른 SAT/ACT 코스와 차별화된 체계적인 커리큘럼을 통하여 테스트에서 요구하는 학생들의 문제 해결 능력 자체를 향상시키는 수업입니다. 단순히 모의 문제를 많이 풀어보게 하거나 점수를 높일 수 있는 간단한 지름길만 알려주는 것이 아니라 테스트에서 필요로 하는 사고방식 자체를 잡아줌으로써 마치 전문가에게 답이 보이는 것처럼 학생들도 글의 핵심, 문제의 요점, 오답 유형을 파악하는 능력을 배양시킬 수 있습니다.

–5가지 문단 타입에 맞춘 독해법 강의
–자주 나오는 문제 유형 족집게 강의
–수학풀이처럼 공식을 사용하는 문제 접근방식
–필수로 외워야하는 21가지 문법
–문제에 자주 등장하는 속임수 피하는 법
–문학적 요소와 작가의 메세지 분석하는 법
–가장 자주 나오는 단어 위주로 단어리스트 만들기

원장님이 학생들의 문제풀이를 지켜보고 1:1 피드백을 통해서 학생 개개인의 잘못된 습관이나 문제점을 정확하게 파악해 개선 방향을 제시해줍니다. 그 피드백을 토대로 학생은 자신만의 오답노트를 만들어 부족한 점을 보완할 수 있습니다.

학생들이 원장님께 받는 감독노트 예시
–Write adjectives for characterization, setting, mood
–You were stuck on #8, 10, 34. You should contextualize. Don’t infer. Review reading tip #1
–Slow reading speed. Speed up by 2 mins. by 6 min mark, you were still on the first page second column
–You had difficulty with literal comprehension on passage 1
–Focus on words that express the author’s claims
–Box keywords in the topic sentences
–Sentence diagram difficult sentences in the 3rd paragraph of passage 4
–Write less summary, more function analysis. Review reading tip #3

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